National Hepatitis Corrections Network
An Initiative of the Hepatitis Education Project
1621 South Jackson Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 732-0311 or (800) 218-6932
Welcome to the National Hepatitis Corrections Network
The National Hepatitis Corrections Network (NHCN) is a network of people with an interest in hepatitis C in corrections managed by The Hepatitis Education Project, a Seattle-based non-profit organization. We support a public health approach to hepatitis education, prevention, testing, and treatment in prisons and jails. Network partners include correctional administrators and healthcare providers, researchers, legal and policy stakeholders, community-based organizations, and educators.
Learn more about what we do here.
We are creating a growing repository of resources for correctional health care providers, academics, community advocates and incarcerated hepatitis patients. Learn more.
To become a partner, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sign up for our E-Newsletter.
Click on the following links to find information.
- Academic Research and Powerpoint Presentations
- Hep C in Prisons and Jails
- Resources for Health Professionals
- Recent Hepatitis News
Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us.
Want to get involved?
To learn more about our network, find out who we are and become a member!
This website is managed by the Hepatitis Education Project.

Find Us
1621 South Jackson Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 732-0311 or (800) 218-6932